From January 2015 to June 2017 ACTED has been implementing the EU-funded project “Building the Role of Civil Society to Improve Access to Justice and Strengthen the Rule of Law in the Kyrgyz Republic”, in partnership with CSOs Legal Clinic Adilet (LCA) and the Eurasian Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA). The project aimed at building capacities of CSOs to uphold Rule of Law and facilitate access to justice for marginalized groups. To achieve its overall objective, the project followed a threefold strategy, as a result of which: (1) CSO (Civil Society Organization) and EWN (Early Warning Network) members have strengthened capacities to identify and address right violations; (2) Access to legal aid service providers and free legal aid is promoted and facilitated, including among marginalized groups; (3) Awareness among population on the principles of the Rule of Law is raised in target communities.
As part of ACTED’s efforts to raise awareness on issues pertaining to rule of law in Kyrgyzstan, four research articles were produced by a seven recognized experts and university professors:
Authors: Elida Nogobaeva, Specialist ; Saniya Toktogazieva, LL.
Authors: Meghan McCormack, J.D. , Kanykei Kasybekova, LL.M.
Authors: Steven C. Kessell, J.D. , Kamila M.Mateeva, LL.M.
Authors: Peter Nader ; Nazira Raimzhanova
The topic of the articles partially derives from questions and issues raised by experts during two advocacy meetings conducted under the project.
These articles not only aimed at investigating shortcomings in legal aid provision encountered before and during project implementation but also at informing practitioners and policy makers.