| 12/08/2019

INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER ACTED UKRAINE – Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine

INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR TENDER ACTED UKRAINE – Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine


“[Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine]”    [ECHO/UKR/BUD/2019/91005]




Tender Ref. No. T/64DTF/D25/NLW/KY/12082019/1


ACTED (Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development), implementing the project “Reducing Disaster Risk Vulnerability in Eastern Ukraine” with funding from The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations is inviting suppliers of services to submit offers for each batch for the following description of the services for the event organization:


Lot #Description of servicesDetails of the serviceDate and time of the eventComments
1Conference venue for 100 people for 1 day



The venue should include:

1 large plenary hall able to accommodate up to 100 people;

3 smaller rooms (or the ability to divide the plenary hall in 3 smaller rooms) for afternoon workshop/group sessions

1 Lunch and 2 coffee breaks for up to 100 people

Date : Tentatively on/around October 16, 2019

Hour : 8:30-18:30


Considering the topic of the event, if possible, the venue should be located in a renovated former industrial zone adapted to host conferences.
2Simultaneous translation services and equipmentSimultaneous translation services and equipment for the conference in

·          Ukrainian-English

·          English-Ukrainian

·          Russian-English

·          English-Russian

Date : Tentatively on/around October 16, 2019

Hour : 8:30-18:30


Simultaneous translation equipment should include translator booth and headphones for up to 100 people.

(see details in PRO-06)

3Accommodation services Accommodation for 30 participants for 2 nights inclusive of breakfast in a non-luxury hotel with services equivalent at most for a 3-star hotel standards as set out by European Hotel stars Union.Date : Tentatively on/around Oct 15th-17thSingle rooms with breakfast included.

(see details in PRO-06)


The tender will be conducted using ACTED standard bidding documents, open to all qualified suppliers and service providers. The Bidding Documents (in [English/Ukrainian]) may be obtained free of charge by all interested from:

ACTED representative office in [Kiev, 10 Observatorna street]



Or can be downloaded from

  • the ACTED website at acted.org under the section “Tender”.
  • the IAPG website at iapg.co.uk under the section “Latest Tender”.


Potential bidders are encouraged to consult ACTED regularly for potential modification to the present tender and/or the bidding documents.


A pre-tender information session will be organized on [16/08/2019] at [3:00pm] in ACTED representative office in Kiev, 10 Observatorna street. Participation of interested bidders to the information session is preferable but not compulsory. All bids must be submitted before on [01/09/2019] at [18:00] by E-mail at ukraine.tender@acted.org, Cc tender@acted.org . Late Bids will be automatically rejected. ACTED will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by the Bidders in connection with the preparation and submission of their bids to ACTED. A tender opening session will take place on [03/09/2019] at [15:00] in the ACTED representative office in [Kiev, 10 Observatorna street]. The presence of bidders’ representative is allowed.


For all inquiries regarding this tender, please contact the ACTED representative office in [Kiev, 10 Observatorna street] not later than [23/08/2019] at [18:00] by telephone [+ 38(073) 268 24 00] or by E-mail at ukraine.tender@acted.org, Cc tender@acted.org.

To ensure that funds are used exclusively for humanitarian purposes and in accordance with donors’ compliance requirements, all contract offers are subject to the condition that contractors do not appear on anti-terrorism lists, in line with ACTED’s anti-terrorism policy. To this end, ACTED reserves the right to carry out anti-terrorism checks on contractor, its board members, staff, volunteers, consultants, financial service providers and sub-contractor.”

NOTE: ACTED adopts a zero tolerance approach towards corruption and is committed to respecting the highest standards in terms of efficiency, responsibility and transparency in its activities. In particular, ACTED has adopted a participatory approach to promote and ensure transparency within the organization and has set up a Transparency focal point (Transparency Team supervised by the Director of Audit and Transparency) via a specific e-mail address. As such, if you witness or suspect any unlawful, improper or unethical act or business practices (such as soliciting, accepting or attempting to provide or accept any kickback) during the tendering process, please contact the following phone number [+ 38 (063) 350 66 86] and/or send an e-mail to transparency@acted.org.


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