
Preventing the Spread of Covid-19 in Camp Settings in Somalia

24 March 2020 - At the time of writing cases of COVID-19 had been confirmed in Somalia’s neighbouring states of Kenya and Ethiopia, increasing the urgency of immediate action to improve preparedness and response ahead of a potential outbreak within Somalia, where 2 million internally displaced people live.

Haruubka IDP camp (Baidoa, Somalia) - ©Ilyas Ahmed

To this end, ACTED is rolling out a three phases preparedness plan across all of its camp coordination and camp management programs. During phase 1, we will focus on agreeing on and socializing key measures with all stakeholders in case of escalation (identifying areas most of risk, emergency camp management and mass information procedures, social distancing and quarantine procedures, referral pathways etc.); improving material  (restocking of crucial supplies such masks and testing kits). During phase 2, the agreed measures will be rolled out, and material preparedness will be further strengthened, while specific hygiene programs will be upgraded (solid waste management, hygiene for communal facilitaties etc.). In phase 3 (full outbreak), agreed remote working management procedures for camp management will be rolled out.

ACTED will continue to review and improve its response to COVID-19 for in camp and out of camp communities in the weeks and months to come.

As a humanitarian organisation our legitimacy rests upon our ability to stand firm and push through a crisis, never losing sight of the needs of those we assist.