Niger Covid-19

Distribution of masks for ACTED in Niger

Thursday, 16th April 2020 - 584 cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in Niger. Present in the country since 2010, ACTED is now working to support the inhabitants of the country in the prevention against the virus, notably by adapting its activities to the new situation in which the world is plunged.

On Thursday April 16th, ACTED teams distributed a first batch of 100 masks to the local authorities of the Regional Public Health Directorate of Diffa, in order to facilitate the organization of meetings and gatherings in the framework of the governmental response to covid-19. Without being “medical” masks, these masks nevertheless make it possible to limit the risks of transmission by asymptomatic people.

Masques produits au Niger, ACTED, Avril 2020
Masques produits au Niger, ACTED, Avril 2020

By the communities, for the communities

In the region of Diffa, thanks to ACTED’s support, sewing activities have been organized for some time. Today, this allows beneficiaries to make masks to fight against covid-19. By involving the communities, ACTED strengthens their skills and involvement in the fight against the epidemic, while stimulating the local economy.

Formation de couture à Diffa, ACTED, Niger, Avril 2020

The production goes on!

Several deliveries of masks are expected in the coming weeks. They will be distributed to the healthcare staff of the Health Centres, who are on the front line of this pandemic, as well as to the inhabitants of the region.

The masks will also be used in the framework of other activities carried out by ACTED. For example, more than 4,000 masks will be distributed to beneficiaries of food distributions in the Diffa region in order to limit the risks of spreading the epidemic, while allowing ACTED to continue these vital activities.



Diversify and multiply actions to better anticipate the crisis

At the same time, ACTED is reinforcing its ongoing projects with awareness campaigns on covid-19 in all of its intervention sites. To do so, it works in close collaboration with local authorities and community leaders to communicate key messages on barrier actions. In addition, this strategy is reinforced through hygiene awareness and prevention messages. These are broadcast in local languages by the 10 community radios supported by ACTED in the framework of the SHIMODU project, implemented with the partners of the Alliance2015 in the Diffa region. The radio, a communication media very much listened to in Niger, allows to transmit these messages to a very large audience.

ACTED also supports soap manufacturing, in the framework of its vocational training activities. The first productions will feed the stocks of the Health Centres and will also be distributed to local communities and systematically during the awareness sessions on Covid-19.

Savons produits par les participants à la formation à Diffa, ACTED, Niger, Avril 2020