
Nourishing Communities: Restoring resilience through improved food and nutrition security to vulnerable rural and displaced communities in Somaliland

Somalia Humanitarian Action
October 2023
September 2024

This 12-months project aims to address food and nutrition insecurity, enhance resilience, and restore degraded landscapes in 18 IDP sites and rural communities in Burco District (Togdheer Region), and Caynaba and Laas Canood (Sool Region).
Acted, Candlelight, and Barwaaqo Voluntary Organization will establish mobile health and nutrition teams, distribute fresh food vouchers, implement awareness raising campaigns and train service providers. Second, training and inputs (tools and seeds) will be provided to farmers, who will construct earthworks and restore degraded landscapes.
A total of 5,120 households (30,720 individuals) will benefit from this project (focus on PLW and children under 5).

Current projects

Implementation of Camp Coordination and Camp Management Program in Somaliland
Nourishing Communities: Restoring resilience through improved food and nutrition security to vulnerable rural and displaced communities in Somaliland
Fighting food insecurity and the climate crisis by strengthening women’s resilience and adaptation to climate change through long-term income generation, Burao Somalia
Nabad: Promoting women-led grassroots peacebuilding towards social reconciliation
Building a Pathway Out of Poverty for Ultra-poor IDP’s and Vulnerable Host Communities in Baidoa