
Myanmar-Multi-Sector Needs Assessment and Humanitarian Situation Monitoring Pilot

Myanmar Humanitarian coordination and information management
May 2023
May 2025

In 2023, REACH will conduct a multi-sector needs assessment covering all 15 States and Regions in Myanmar, in order to inform humanitarian programming, in particular the 2024 Humanitarian Programming Cycle (HPC) and the 2024 Humanitarian Needs Overview. The assessment will consist of a multi-sectoral quantitative household survey across all 15 States, to be conducted with data collection partners through a combination of in-person and remote data collection. Outputs include a dataset, disaggregated descriptive statistics, preliminary findings presentation, MSNA bulletin, and lessons learned report. Following the MSNA, REACH will conduct an HSM pilot in 3 key states/regions/sub-regions of interest to the humanitarian community, selected with the relevant stakeholders at the ICCG and Needs Monitoring Analysis Working Group where information gaps remain. In 2024, these research cycles will be repeated, but may be subject to adaptation based on lessons learned and observed information gaps in 2023.

Current projects

Local Initiatives for Enhancing Social Cohesion in Rakhine State
Economically empowering vulnerable and at-risk women in conflict-affected communities of Kayah, South and North Shan
Remote Sensing Damage Assessments in Myanmar
Emergency Assistance to Internally Displaced and Other Crisis Affected People with Humanitarian Needs in Burma – Myanmar Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI)
Provision of critical emergency relief to conflict-affected populations in Kayah State
Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA) for Evidence-Based Aid Planning and Delivery in Myanmar
Myanmar-Multi-Sector Needs Assessment and Humanitarian Situation Monitoring Pilot
Supporting sustainable economic development in vulnerable communities of Myanmar