
Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA) for Evidence-Based Aid Planning and Delivery in Myanmar

Myanmar Humanitarian Action
April 2024
February 2025

Through this 10-month project, Acted and IMPACT will carry out a MSNA in all 15 states and regions of Myanmar in order to inform the 2025 Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) and annual Food Security and Nutrition Analysis. The assessment will entail a comprehensive quantitative household survey, and will encompass various key clusters and working groups such as Cash, Education, Food Security, Health, Nutrition, Protection, S/NFI, CCCM, and WASH. Additionally, it will address cross-cutting issues such as AAP and Disability.

Current projects

Local Initiatives for Enhancing Social Cohesion in Rakhine State
Economically empowering vulnerable and at-risk women in conflict-affected communities of Kayah, South and North Shan
Remote Sensing Damage Assessments in Myanmar
Emergency Assistance to Internally Displaced and Other Crisis Affected People with Humanitarian Needs in Burma – Myanmar Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI)
Provision of critical emergency relief to conflict-affected populations in Kayah State
Multi-Sectoral Needs Assessment (MSNA) for Evidence-Based Aid Planning and Delivery in Myanmar
Myanmar-Multi-Sector Needs Assessment and Humanitarian Situation Monitoring Pilot
Supporting sustainable economic development in vulnerable communities of Myanmar