Democratic Republic of the Congo

Strategic Assistance for Emergency Response in Democratic Republic of Congo (SAFER)

Democratic Republic of the Congo Humanitarian Action
June 2023
March 2026

The expected impact of the program is to reduce the vulnerability of households affected by conflict and shocks in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the specific outcome of providing a coordinated humanitarian response that enables at least 48,174 vulnerable people in South Kivu and Maniema (for ACTED) affected by conflict and shocks to have safe and equitable access to multi-sectoral emergency aid and to reduce negative coping mechanisms. ACTED will assist vulnerable people through multi-purpose cash transfers.

Current projects

Improving emergency nutrition and food security for vulnerable populations in Tanganyika province
Strengthening the Resilience and Protection of vulnerable populations living in conflict-affected areas in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo
Strategic Assistance for Emergency Response in Democratic Republic of Congo (SAFER)
Addressing Food Insecurity through a Multisectoral Response and Strengthening Intersectoral & Food Security and Nutrition Evidence-Based Analysis, Planning & Response in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Associated program for the mobilization of local organizations and active youth in the DRC