
Multi-Sectoral emergency response to populations affected by food insecurity and conflict in the regions of Tillaberi, Diffa, and Tahoua, and support to humanitarian information services in Niger

Niger Sustainable Infrastructure
October 2022
September 2024

This 24-month project aims to support displaced people, refugees and host communities in the Diffa, Tillabéri and Tahoua regions of Niger. The aim of the project is to provide multi-sectoral emergency assistance to food-insecure and conflict-affected people, through food assistance, livelihood resilience activities and strengthening of the protective environment; while strengthening humanitarian action with multi-sectoral data and information tools to contribute to better evidence-based response planning.
Beneficiaries: an estimated 85,833 individuals (avoiding double counting) will benefit from the program, including 22,317 IDPs and 3,433 refugees. Beneficiaries will be selected from among those with the most pressing needs, whatever their status (refugees, IDPs, returnees and host families). The direct beneficiaries of this project will also be humanitarian actors needing to strengthen their information management capacities (80 NGOs).

Current projects

Multi-sectoral Emergency and Resilience Building Response for Vulnerable Communities Affected by Shocks in the Regions of Diffa and Tillabéri, and Support for the Planning and Delivery of Evidence-Based Aid in Niger
Emergency response in Water, Hygiene and Sanitation to support communities affected by displacement in the Diffa region
Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) project to cover the basic needs of vulnerable populations affected by conflicts, natural disasters, and epidemics in Niger (Rapid Response Mechanism – RRM)
Multi-sectoral emergency response to the needs of vulnerable populations affected by displacement – Communes of Ayérou and Ouallam, Tillabéry region
Multi-Sectoral emergency response to populations affected by food insecurity and conflict in the regions of Tillaberi, Diffa, and Tahoua, and support to humanitarian information services in Niger
Péralta bioclimatic school complex