Horn of Africa

Integrated Emergency and Early Recovery Support for IDPs and Communities Affected by Drought, Flood, and Conflict in Somalia

Horn of Africa Sustainable and inclusive growth
May 2024
April 2025

The proposed 12 month project design builds on the Acted-led consortium’s extensive experience undertaking humanitarian response, research, and monitoring work in Somalia – notably through previous and ongoing BHA awards. The consortium, which comprises Acted (lead) and IMPACT Initiatives SADO, GREDO, and MCAN, proposes a response that covers five sectors through an integrated project design. The project will meet emergency needs while simultaneously supporting early recovery and resilience-building as well as producing high-quality information products to inform prioritization of humanitarian resources. The project will, in total, benefit an estimated 394,026 individuals – the majority of whom are IDPs residing in IDP sites across southern Somalia. The project will indirectly benefit a much larger number of people by providing data and information products to inform Acted and partners’ other programming and humanitarian programming undertaken by other humanitarian actors in Somalia.

Current projects

Integrated Emergency and Early Recovery Support for IDPs and Communities Affected by Drought, Flood, and Conflict in Somalia