Supporting local solutions to promote a fair and inclusive transition!

The aim of this project is to support, accompany and encourage the actions and commitments of European civil society organisations (CSOs) in order to raise awareness and sensitise European citizens to the ecological crisis and the challenges of climate change, with our European partners: PuntoSud (Italy), Finep (Denmark), FAMSI (Spain), AMI (Portugal), HBAid (Hungary), Fair Trade Poland (Poland) and Mondo (EE).

Activities planned in France

  • Organisation of 3 Forums to highlight innovative projects around
    ecological transition
  • Organisation of 5 calls for projects on themes to be defined with our partners (fuel poverty, responsible fashion, responsible resource management, etc.)
  • Technical and financial support for at least 37 associations, with small (€5-10,000) and medium-sized (€20-40,000) grants.
  • Organisation of 12 webinars and 10 training courses to build the technical and organisational capacity of associations committed to climate action
  • Organisation of public awareness and communication campaigns on climate issues
  • Creation of a European scientific committee to support associations while sharing best practice in the actions they have taken
  • Running a digital platform, NOPLANETB, and web pages to
    highlight good practice and initiatives by associations
  • Support for cooperation between associations and the various players in the local (regions, departments, cities, universities, etc.)


The scientific commitee

A scientific committee made up of representatives from the 8 partner countries worked on explaining NOPLANETB’s overall working approach, including its target audience, the specific scientific methods and the gender mainstreaming criteria adopted. The result of this work is presented in this guide, which is not exclusively intended for organisations wishing to participate in the NOPLANETB initiative. It is aimed at all organisations, including CSOs, donors, the media and public authorities, currently looking for ways to make projects to combat the climate and ecological crisis more effective and to create a more sustainable and inclusive society. As part of the project, the scientific committee will support the associations supported and document good practice in the form of action sheets to publicise and democratise the solutions identified.

September 2024

Guide - Fostering Science-Informed Climate Initiatives for Disengaged Audiences